
Yuwie August RSR and Earnings

Earnings icon (the moneybag) to see your earnings.

AUGUST RSR = $0.47

Yuwie had a pretty good month. Yuwie is getting a lot of new members every day and its only going to grow from here. Remember, Yuwie is not a get rich quick website. Stick with it, refer your friends, and use the site for what its made for (social networking) and you'll earn your check.
There are some competitors that have sprung up this month. Feel free to check them out, but watch out for the ones that ask for membership fees. Some of them offer free services, but to really make money, you have to pay a monthly fee, so be sure to read the fine print.
If you have to pay to earn, its probably a scam!

1. You have to have a minimum of $50 before you can get paid.
2. Yuwie pay net 60 which means any earnings for August will be paid around November 1. (Yuwie have to collect from advertisers before we can pay you)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have signed under you in Yuwie.
I need the 3 column templlate as yours could you help me out

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