How TNX works?
You can either sign up as a publisher or an advertiser. It is FREE to join as a publisher. It works like any text links ad. Get the code, put it into your website and then submit your site to TNX.
Your site will be approved within 3 days. However it will only work with PHP and/or Perl supported servers and unfortunately TNX will not accept your site if it is not indexed by Google or your PR is 0.
You are also an advertiser automatically once you registered as a publisher. For a limited time, TNX is giving away 2,000 points if you join now. Sign up here and then visit this forum to claim your 2,000 points. Once your website is approved you will get another 5,000 points.
As an advertiser, you can use the point to create an ad campaign where you need to specify :
- The categories you want to advertise in.
- Geo-targeting. Whether you prefer English sites only or all, but it is also useful to get links from foreign site and it’s cheaper.
- Google PR of those sites.
- Number of Yahoo back links to the pages you want to advertise in.
You will not be able to manually choose the websites you want to advertise in. It’s all based on the selection criteria above. Anyway, all websites are carefully moderated by TNX staff and TNX will only accept reputable websites that are not “banned” by search engines. Not suitable if you are very particular on which websites you want to advertise on. I saw a link on campaign filter but I couldn’t get my campaign to work to try it out. However, you will be able to see the link when it is being displayed on a website and if you don’t like the page, you can ask TNX to remove it.
What’s with the Points?
TNX works with points. You earn points every time other sites advertise on your sites and you can also use/purchase these points to buy advertisement. The current price of 1,000 TNX-points is $1.20. Payment is made by PayPal in a range from $10 to $1,000. TNX-points grows every week by at least 2%. You can hold to it and watch its price grows. For advertising price, please check their advertising cost. For example, for $20 you will get 20,000 points and you can buy 20 different PR5 pages from different websites.
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